Thursday, April 12, 2012

If it looks the same, sounds the same, feels the same then it just might be...

as opposed to Obama's campaign change poster
Templ. based on Shepard Fairey's Obama campaign
  If the responsibility for the state of the Greek economy and society was to be shared amongst its citizens, then the two major parties that governed over the past decades would have to bear most of it.
        They had the power, the vote and the public means to fulfill their promises and change what they had pointed out as wrong during their campaigns and yet they didn't.
        Even now as they try to make Greece more competitive they result in the 'easy' solution of salary and pension slashes as if to admit that they can't fight the obvious enemies of competitiveness. They cannot fight corruption, exhausting bureaucracy, slow unresponsive state, missing infrastructure for new businesses ...e.t.c...
       The question is: if they could correct these why didn't they do it already and why would people believe that they would be able to do it now.
       Even if there are some well intended individuals within these parties, will they be able to rise above the corrupted mechanisms that surrounded them over the past decades?
      On the other hand small parties pose alternatives that appear questionable or incomplete with some of them rigidly clinging on ideologies of the past.
Having an electoral law designed to undermine independent candidates and with a strong dependence between media exposure and resources it is hard for people to organise and form movements with solid demands and proposals.
         However, the informational revolution and the technical capabilities in informational management of our times provide with the tools, for people to connect, communicate and resolve issues. New ideas and initiatives can form and reach the public that is the only true judge. The time has never been as ripe for a social dialogue as it is now.

P. Siegkas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Πες τα ρε Σιέγκα!!